Secondary & Colleges

Covering the syllabus

We work closely with teachers to deliver visits that meet the needs of their groups. We are always reviewing the content of our sessions to best meet the learning outcomes of the national curriculum.

If you have a specific topic you would like to cover please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Some examples of topics we cover are:


Design and Technology, KS 3/4, rocket cars

Students are introduced to the basic theories of aerodynamics through examination of F1 and other vehicles, then, working as small teams, first design and then build their own compressed air rocket powered car from our Lego Technics components. Not as easy as it looks and great fun!

Automotive Engineering, for BTEC students and apprentices

Visiting groups are given an in depth tour of the Haynes collection with the emphasis on changing car design and technological innovation from 1886 to the present. Emphasis then switches to current restoration projects with a tour of the Haynes workshops. Students will have the opportunity to see traditional tools and hear and see current restoration projects.

Contact us

Please contact the Education team on or telephone 01963 442797 to discuss your requirements.